2012 Jul 23 8:37 AM
Hi Experts,
In my current process, Bills are estimated based on corresponding period of previous year.
Now we want that it should be estimated based on recent period (current year).
How can we define it, Kindly explain it in detail.
2012 Jul 23 1:42 PM
Go to ES31 and change the Base period category as previous period.
2012 Jul 24 9:13 AM
2012 Jul 24 9:56 AM
Pls refer print shot there is a radio button available for the same.
2012 Jul 30 1:49 PM
But according to that estimation would be based on previous period.
I want to change it to CURRENT PERIOD (MORE RECENT).
Meter reading estimation should be based on recent period NOT Previous period.
2012 Jul 30 3:15 PM
Hi Priya,
You can estimate for the current period but based on the settings at installation level, say you would like to estimate for period Jul1st -31st of 2012 then there are two options
1) Previous period - Means system will take June 2012 as estimation for estimation purposes
2) Period of previous period - means system will take July of 2011 for estimation purposes.
2012 Aug 01 10:20 AM
For recent periods you have to make settings for minimum portion in rate (EA30) and for weighting key under the menu SPRO-SAP Utilities-Device Management-Meter Reading-Weighting Procedures-General Weighting-Define Weighting Units.
Now if you specify a small minimum percentage in minimum portion, meter readings from a short period will be used for the extrapolation.
If you enter 100% for the minimum percentage in minimum portion, available readings will only be
used if they cover a complete billing period.
FYI base period ( recent period in your case ) is calculated as per formula mentioned below.
Weighting portion of period = Minimum portion
= Minimum length of base period (182.5 days)
Hope it helps.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Aug 02 7:49 PM
In ES32 (Installation display), base period category (previous category) is not showing. only period of previos year is showing. i have checked in SPRO and SHD0.
Kindly suggest.
2012 Jul 30 6:25 PM
Hi Priya,
I think the help on that issue is quite good:
--> base period. And then just check e.g. for consumption registers:
Scroll all the way down to get the information. Depending on the periods and their coverage the last meter readings are taken into account. If you want to estimate base ONLY on the current year, maybe it would be the best to change the period consumption and estimate based on that.
2012 Aug 02 9:01 PM
In ES32 (Installation display), base period category (previous category) is not showing. only period of previos year is showing. i have checked in SPRO and SHD0.
We have mentioned period length as 20 days because we are using factory calender and minimum portion is 60%. what changes i should i should do?
Kindly suggest.
2012 Aug 03 11:49 AM
Pls refer attached SHD0 print shot for setting related to previous period. Also pls provide screen shot if the problem still persist.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Aug 03 1:06 PM
Hi Girish,
Please check SHD0 in ECC 6.0
I have to estimate the reading on the average consumption of last 6 month reading or last reading available. if there is a new case it should be according to period consumption.
Please suggest me step by step.
2012 Aug 03 2:23 PM
Pls also check in transaction EQ04 whether the field is not hidden there. For geeting estimation based on recent period you have to have previous period radio button in ES31. For getting minimum portion as per your requirement pls check period length in E41A. And if it is 20 days (billing cycle) and for doing estimation for 6 months ( i.e. 20*6=120) you need to have minimum portion 600% in rate.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Aug 06 1:00 PM
In EQ04, I have make it (previous period and previous year) as INPUT. (Is it right)
i have done min portion= 600% earlier it was 60%
We have mentioned period length as 20 days because we are using factory calender.
can i change all installation as previous period?
and tell me pls what should enter for weighting key as we have entered standard?
But after change in the installation estimation is not doing according to last six month.
2012 Aug 07 2:41 PM
Yes you need check the radio button as input field for previous period and previous year in EQ04. And this can be checked and update in transaction ES32 under billing/meter reading control data.
Also yes you can change all installations as previous period either by doing single entry ( tcode es32) or you can create LSMW for same.
I suppose as an standard weighting key you can use Linear weighting key ( 01) in EG05 as register level.
Even after this, it is not working pls provide me the screen shot of E41A and EA31 also give a brief about company's business.
hope this helps.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Aug 21 8:11 AM
Hello Girish,
Very thank you for your help!
We have project for electricity. we have upgraded the system from 4.7 to ECC 6.0
Now client have some new requirement, since past years they were estimating meter reading on the basis of previous year, but now they want to estimate based on current period (Last six month or less than)
if i change min portion as 600% as you suggested then multiplication (days * min. portion=20*600%=120 days), i think it should be 180 days or less than.
but estimation is not giving correct results.
Please check this screen shot:
2012 Aug 28 10:41 AM
Pls check the weighting key for operand KWH_NORMAL also ( tcode EA52 ) and make sure it is same. Now also check the periodic consumption in EL56. Pls also check whther the estimation results are on the basis of previous meter readings or periodic consumption. because if previous period readings are implausible or periodic consumption is changed within the base period then system uses periodic consumption for estimation. Also I assume that weighting units have already been define in your system under the path SPRO-SAP Utilities-Device Management-Meter Reading-Weighting Procedures-General Weighting-Define Weighting Units.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Sep 10 10:25 AM
Hello Girish,
I have done the changes (Min portion=600%). but sometime it is doing estimation on the basis of 7 month.
Please tell me how it works.
2012 Sep 17 8:48 AM
Dear Girish,
Please check weighting keys, and suggest me.
Please suggest me what should i change so that i can get the estimation based on only previous six month as now i am getting based on 6 and 7 month.
2012 Sep 19 8:16 AM
Hi Priya,
Estimation period is determined by min. portion only ( for above specific case ) and the value of estimated reading is determined by weighting procedure. pls check periodic comsumption for the customers for which base estimation period is coming out between 6 to 7 months pls check whether it has not been changed for the given base period. And if it is OK then change the min portion for let say between 500% to 550% because it may be possible it is not giving desired result due to factory calender taken in the portion.
2012 Sep 21 6:59 AM
Dear Girish,
Could you please tell me the process. i have done min portion 550 now, its working in most of the cases but i have some cases in which estimation is not based on previous period.
estimation is based on previous period OR weighting keys?
I want to know how weighting key works on it?
2012 Sep 26 6:54 AM
Hi Priya,
Estimation depends on two factors.
1) The estimation period i.e. the base period for which extrapolation happens and the length of this based period is determined by the value of minimum portion mentioned in rate.
ie. minimum portion * period length ( 20 days in your case ) = base period for extrapolation.
2) Now once you get the base period length the estimated value of the readings depends on th weighting key. If its a linear weighting then it is equally distributed for estimation.
Girish Bahuguna
2012 Sep 26 10:24 PM
Hello Girish,
Please check and suggest me, what should i change in weighting units as i have defined min portion 550 in rate. According to portion 550, i think weighting units are less.
I want to know the following:
1: if base period is representative then weighting units would be applied on it OR not?
2: If base is not representative then how it will work?
3: If in base period we have move-in (06) reading then will it use base base period for estimation Or use any meter reading result?
I want to know how many methods are applied to estimate the reading if we use Previous Period in the installation?