2016 Oct 12 7:55 AM
Hi Experts,
I noticed difference between Net amount (energy charge) in Billing doc header and Net amount in DBERCHZ3 table while doing testing.
For Example: Net amount in Billing doc showing as 0.5 JOD (Jordian Dinar) where as in
DBERCHZ3 table it showing as 5.0 JOD. Ideally it should 5.0 JOD after valuating with energy consumption and energy price. Further same values are transferred to Print doc.
Note: Configuration setting related to Decimal Places in Currencies is done for JOD as 3 decimals (Table TCURX)
Please help me to resolve above issue.
2016 Oct 18 7:44 AM
Dear Vaseem,
could you please explain a little bit more in detail? What do you mean with Net amount in billing doc header? There is no Net amount stored within the header.
Best regards
2016 Nov 01 3:41 PM
Dear Joerg,
I mean to say Net Amount in Billing document tabs (i.e. Single Lines>Overview) screen there is field with Net amount.
Here is the issue .For Example: Net amount in Billing doc showing as 0.5 JOD (Jordian Dinar) where as in
DBERCHZ3 table it showing as 5.0 JOD. There is mismatch of Net amount.
Ideally it should be 5.0 JOD after valuating with energy consumption and energy price. Further same values are transferred to Print doc. But in my case 0.5 JOD is passed to Print doc.
Note: Configuration setting related to Decimal Places in Currencies is done for JOD as 3 decimals (Table TCURX)
Please help me to resolve above issue.
2016 Nov 06 2:38 PM
Hi Friends,
Any solution or workaround to resolve above issue?
2016 Nov 08 7:51 AM
Dear Abdul,
I'm sorry from this description it is hard to answer your question. I would recomment to prepare a example document and open an Incident. Within the incident we can have a look into your system and check what's going wrong.
Best regards
2016 Nov 18 12:53 PM
Hi Vaseem,
I hope you are aware that in EA22 -> SIngle Lines will only show the details of only particular line, ideally you should see Dec. Overview tab to see all the line items for the billing document. You can compare those with that of the tables DBERCHZ1 - DBERCHZ3.
I think you might have applied filter(s)/sort etc... Can you please share screen-shot of EA22 Doc Overview and DBERCHZ3 tables - you can compare 'Line item' with DBERCHZ1-BELZEILE.
Hope this helps to see your discrepency if any.