2013 Jan 25 10:49 AM
We would like to round invoice at nearest whole number.
I refer to thread http://scn.sap.com/thread/1823671 which was really helpful in configuring basic settings.
Accordingly, I have maintained settings at
SAP Utilities Invoicing
1. Define Basic Settings for Invoicing - Rounding category --> X
2. Define Invoice Rounding Rules - co. code - INR - 100 - round to nearest whole no. both for DR. and CR.
3. Maintain GLs at transaction FQC40 level .
But at transaction FQC40 --> There are following settings
Revenue Account Oth Exp RoundingOff
Expense account Oth Exp RoundingOff
Recvble corr. ?
Main Trans. RUND Round -Off
Sub transaction 0010 Round Off
My question is I can maintain same account for expenses and revenue
but what values shall I maintain at receivable account as these is only one value to be maintained.
2013 Jan 28 6:40 AM
Hi ,
You need to maintain Debtors rounding account which is a balance sheet account (account group sundry debtors account) in the portion where it mentions receivable account.
2013 Jan 28 6:40 AM
Hi ,
You need to maintain Debtors rounding account which is a balance sheet account (account group sundry debtors account) in the portion where it mentions receivable account.
2013 Jan 28 7:30 AM