2012 Nov 16 8:57 PM
We have a situation which is something like this: an interest document is posted on the account using the interest run transaction. Now when the account is invoiced, invoicing does account maintenance and clears the original interest document and posts new line items for the same amount with new due dates.
Every subsequent invoice then does the same thing i.e. clear the interest line item (by account maintenance) and post new line items with new due dates. The print document has line items of type ACCMNT for these documents when they are cleared.
I have checked the invoicing configuration to see if interest calculation is enabled (Define Control for Additional Invoicing Functions), but that is not the case. I have gone through all the other configurations related to interest calculation and invoicing but had no luck in figuring out what could be causing this behaviour.
I am a bit new to the system. Any pointers to where to start looking is highly appreciated!
Thanks everyone for your time.
2012 Nov 16 9:43 PM
Hi Prashant,
I dont think that the functionality that you are getting is coming out of SAP standard functionality.
There must be some enhancements which are plugged in and which gets triggerred during invoicing.
I would suggest you to look in event R401 and R402 (through T.code FQEvents).
Account mainatainenace happening during invoicing is a standard SAP functionality, but if its posting new interest documents, then definately there should be custom FM plugged in event R402, which is triggerrring the whole functionality.
Hope it helps..
2012 Nov 16 9:43 PM
Hi Prashant,
I dont think that the functionality that you are getting is coming out of SAP standard functionality.
There must be some enhancements which are plugged in and which gets triggerred during invoicing.
I would suggest you to look in event R401 and R402 (through T.code FQEvents).
Account mainatainenace happening during invoicing is a standard SAP functionality, but if its posting new interest documents, then definately there should be custom FM plugged in event R402, which is triggerrring the whole functionality.
Hope it helps..
2012 Nov 20 10:22 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for your input. I started by debugging R402. So it appears that this is caused by the following setting: SAP Utilities > Invoicing > Invoice Processing > Item Selection in Invoicing > Item Selection in Account Maintenance/ Define Sub-Items > Item Selection for Bill Printout (Subitems).
For the specific main/sub combination of the interest item, 'Transfer to credit memo/receivable for consumption billing' was checked. This caused these receivables to be cleared and re-generated with new due dates (inheriting the due date of the new invoicing.
Un-checking this setting solves this issue.
Thanks and regards,