2011 Nov 10 12:12 PM
Hello everyone,
I have a litte issue with the table DFKKOP. In fact, i would like how is the field MAHNV is updated.
Actually, i have a lot of entries with this field empty, this i why i want to know how this field is updated.
thank you in advance for your answers.
2011 Nov 10 1:43 PM
Field MAHNV is no longer populated in DFKKOP. You would look at FKKMAKO/FKKMAZE.
2011 Nov 10 1:43 PM
2011 Nov 10 2:10 PM
Thank you very much for your answer.
Therefore all the new entries in this table won't have this field populated and if we want this information we will have to extract it from another table.
I've got a question, from which version if IS-U is this field no more populated. If my informations are good, we have an old version of IS-U.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
2011 Nov 10 4:30 PM
This field should still be populated in FKKVKP if you use dunning by Dunning procedure, it can be empty if you use dunning by collection strategy, this type of dunning is only available in release ECC6.
So it doens't means the field is not populated, it a decision and a customizing that should be done not to fill in.
2011 Nov 10 4:45 PM
elevation - the question has nothing to do with FKKVKP, only DFKKOP.
2011 Nov 10 5:18 PM
What I've said is also valid for DFKKOP, is not that this filed is no longer updated, in can be udpated if you want to updat it and you use dunning on dunning procedure. If you udpate this field, the dunning procedure will replace the one on the contract account, so the one on FKKVKP. Where is it update, it can be in diferent places:
Transaction FPE2M - Mass change of FICA documents
Transaction FPE2 - Change FICA document
Transaction FPE1 - when creating a FICA document
Main/Sub transaction - You can customize a dunning procedure for each sub-transaction in view V_TE305_N
You can also do it in user exits like the the 1320 'Document: Add Data for Application Areas' - Be careful how to use this event, you should always call the standard in you customer code if you decide to use it...
Hope this is more clear, sorry about the confusion on the table.
2011 Nov 10 5:20 PM
It is normal to have the field empty in DFKKOP, the most important one is the one from FKKVKP, if you use dunning on dunning procedure, this field in FKKVKP should not be empty.
2011 Nov 10 5:50 PM
Ok - Redola - elevation and I were really thinking of 2 different situations here. You need to decide which one you are referring to.
MAHNV can be populated at creation (via TE305 setting as mentioned) or change (manually or customer process). That population means that the document item would be processed by dunning with the procedure assigned. This is what elevation referred to, and i didnt consider as your request. As elevation mentioned, this is an exception since you would normally have the MAHNV value on FKKVKP as the driver for your dunning process.
MAHNV is NOT populated by the dunning program to indicate which dunning action has occurred for an item. This is what I was referring to. In this case, to see the status of the document you must use FKKMAKO/FKKMAZE.