2017 Oct 31 8:40 AM
Is there Standard FM available to clear outstanding Security Deposit (FPSEC2).I want to clear the outstanding SD request which is partially unpaid.
2017 Oct 31 11:48 AM
You need to use the FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR for performing the 'Clear outstanding functionality' programatically.
Check the Form ACTION_CLEAR under the include,LFKK_SECF20, as how its done in standard SAP.
You have to perfrom the same activity in your custom code.
2017 Oct 31 10:44 AM
Please look at the "events" in this wiki https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/UIndustry/Security+Deposits
2017 Oct 31 11:48 AM
You need to use the FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR for performing the 'Clear outstanding functionality' programatically.
Check the Form ACTION_CLEAR under the include,LFKK_SECF20, as how its done in standard SAP.
You have to perfrom the same activity in your custom code.
2017 Oct 31 2:31 PM
Hi Amlan,
We have done the analysis under the include LFKK_SECF20. But after using the FM : FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR , we have query how to commit change security requested amount.
2017 Oct 31 2:45 PM
Hi Piyush,
I didn't understood your question.
For reversing the open SD part, you can query DFKKOP and retrieve the open part in fkkcl structure.
2017 Dec 05 2:45 PM
Hi Amlan
We are now able to successfully release the SD once the final invoice is triggered using event R507 for Retailer.
Now if the Retailers Final invoice is reversed we are not able to re-instate the security deposit which was released during final bill.
Do we have any FM to reinstate the Security Deposit on reversal with the actual posting date as it was before released.
2017 Nov 01 2:10 PM
You should never use an FM like that (without doing a lot of analysis and testing) - likely you will get some inconsistencies calling it out of sequence. There is a bapi for document clearing. Check it out.