2014 Aug 21 1:26 PM
Is there any table in SAP ISU where Installations is mapped to the devices that are allocated to it?
2014 Aug 22 6:25 PM
You could use logical device number field in EASTL and then fetch equipment number from EGERH/EGERR.
From equnr you can get device number /serial number (table EQUI).
2014 Aug 21 1:56 PM
2014 Aug 21 5:53 PM
2014 Aug 22 9:08 AM
No in ISU we do not have a single table from where you can fetch respective device of any installation.
You can try the FM ISU_DET_DEVICE_FROM_INST where the field GERAET is the fetched device.
2014 Aug 22 6:25 PM
2014 Aug 27 7:32 AM
Thank you very much. You just helped me decrease a lot of manual work.
2014 Aug 30 1:50 PM