2013 Feb 28 4:10 PM
hi all,
where i am trying to reversing the invoice the following error i am facing.
Cleared items have been submitted to collection agency
FICA Clearing document 100250123 cannot be reversed
i am not much aware about collection agency how do i recall this document from collection agency what could be the best practice to reverse the invoice from clearing status.
could you please share your ideas on this please.
2013 Feb 28 8:38 PM
Hi , Why are you trying to reverse invoice and that too open items that were submitted to collection agency ? anyways to recall the items from collection agency you can use TCODE FP03.
2013 Mar 01 1:04 AM
Hi Honey,
Reason for the error
Whenever, you are submitting a receivable (particularly Invoice) to collection agency, the field (DFKKOP-INKPS) gets updated, which basically indicates that the item has been submitted.
Now, whenever, you try to reverse the receivable, the system checks this field and depending on the value populated, it triggers the error message that you are getting (EK 049).
You have to first re-call the receivable and then only can reverse the invoice.
On recalling the receivable, the field (DFKKOP-INKPS) again gets reset with the initial value and then you can reverse the invoice.
You can perform the recall of submiited receivables through transaction FP03U (in mass) or FP03 (individually).
Hope it helps...