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Invoice reversal issues-EB192 error message

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello everyone. Good morning.

One of our users is trying to reverse an invoice, created from a manual billing document. The following error is displayed.

"Document n cannot be reversed; there is at least one subsequent document"

I checked the document list from tables & from installation screen. There doesnt seem to be any subsequent documents. All the subsequent documents are already reversed.

And going to the specifics of this document:

1. There are three sets of billing and invoicing documents for this particular month as follows [same start and end dates]

      Bill 1 - period end billing, Print 1 - the print document corresponding to the billing document

      Bill 2 - manual billing document [reason:final billing for move-out], Print 2- print document corresponding to Bill 2

      Bill 3 - manual credit memo for Bill 2, Print 3 - Print document corresponding to Bill 3


      The user has already reversed Bill 3 and print 3.

      When the user tries to reverse Bill 2 and Print 2 from EA13/14, the aforementioned error shows up.

I checked a few 'sap notes' regarding this. The note '1286894', gets close. But it refers to a scenario where another billing document was used as a reference to create the manual document. But in case of our document, i believe it was created without any reference. Because looking at ERCH, none of the documents has Bill 2 as previous document.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Joshva,

User might have done adjustment reversal for Print3. If that is the case, one new adjustment reversal print document would be created and you cant see that new adjustment reversal print document in ES32. But you can see that document in FPL9 screen(in Reference field). Find out the document first, reverse it and then try to reverse Print2.

Hope its useful.



0 Kudos

Thank for the reply Rajesh.

Print3 has been reversed. But there is no adjustment reversal.

In FPL9 i find 3 entries for that month & the contract account.

one corresponds to Print2 [Has a RED traffic light near it]

one corresponds to Print3 [Has Trash can symbol next to it]

the last one corresponds to the reversal document create from Print3 [Has Trash can symbol next to it]

So i guess there is no additional documents here?

0 Kudos

Hi Joshva,

Please check the below points once.

1) Make sure that Print3 was reversed.Check reversal flag should be set in table ERDK for Print3. Because some times it may happens that print document wont be reversed but trash can symbol will appear in FPL9.

2) There should be no periodic bills presented for the same bill period of Bill2 and Bill3.

3) There should be no outsorting print documents document or bill documents in between Bill2,Bill3 and Print2, Print3.

Still if you could not find any clue, then try find out the subsequent document number(hope you will get it in error log) and reverse that document first and then try to reverse Print2.

Hope it solves your problem.



0 Kudos

Thanks again Rajesh.

1. Yes the reversal flag is set.

2. Ummmm...there is a periodic bill, which is Bill1 and Print1 that i mentioned in my original post.

    Will this work if i reverse Print1 and Bill1. [But does this really impact because 2 and 3 are manual  documents]

3. This was my first thought.I checked that earlier, there is no outsorted documents at all.

0 Kudos

Hi Joshva,

1) Is the bill period is same for Bill1 and Bill2 ?

2) Are you able to find the subsequent document number in the log ?



0 Kudos

1. Yes the bill period is same for Bill1 and Bill2

2. In the log there is no mention of the subsequent number. It just says this

Document N cannot be reversed; there is at least one subsequent document

Message no. EB192


You have attempted to reverse invoicing document N.

You cannot reverse the document because at least one of the invoiced billing documents has a subsequent document that was already invoiced.


  1. 1. Reverse the subsequent invoicing documents.
  2. 2. Reverse invoicing document N.

0 Kudos

Hi Joshva,

I guess would be the would be the problem. Since bill period is same for Bill1 and Bill2, system is getting confused which once is the first created document(dead lock situation). Try to reverse Bill1 first and then Bill2.  I am not sure whether system will allow you to reverse the Bill1 or not. Just have a try ..



0 Kudos

You are right...

But i could not reverse Bill1 either. I guess i will do what the note says.

Disable the check box in configuration, reverse these docs and set it back again.

Just one question, so what is the rule while creating manual documents?

We are not supposed to give in the same period as the regular billing document?

0 Kudos

Hi Joshva,

If you are creating manual bill and periodic bill with overlapping dates , its would be better to create a joint invoice. So that you will get the single invoice document number for two bill documents. If the dates are not overlapping you can do separate bills.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rajesh. I will advice the users based on your answers.

0 Kudos

There might be billing doc which may not be reversed for that first you have to reverse billing doc by ea20

and then reverse  invoice doc by ea13.

this might be helpful.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks everyone for your answers.

Seems the problem is because of two documents with same start and end dates.

Users have decided to implement note '1286894'.