2014 Jan 13 9:39 AM
We have got an issue in which customer is complaining that when they are trying to release a invoice document through EA05 , documents are not
getting reversed in the first try and a different print document is getting generated ; which is not posted in the customer’s account.
Again the print doc that was created needs to be released through EA05 and now a posting document starting with no.
is created in the system and posted in the customer’s account.
Can any one help us in this regard that why certain documents needs to be released twice?
Thanks & Regards,
Shruti Singh
2014 Jan 14 10:15 AM
Hi Shruti,
If you release an invoice from EA05, the outsorted document is deleted and the invoicing is carried out again. In the meantime if some additional posting has been made on the contract account the invoice will again get outsorted if the total falls beyond the toleance limit. Does this help or would you eloborate the issue if I have not understood it correctly?