2016 May 27 2:46 PM
Hi guys,
Can someone walk me through how to resolve a CRM contract which didn't replicate properly in the back-end?
Below is the screenshot:
2016 May 27 3:07 PM
Hi Darell,
From the screenshot I can understand its just warning, can you please check whether the changes are actually replicated or not?
If its not replicated, then you can open the message to show the message ID and number and place a break-point and then execute the MDT from transaction EPRODCUST - here you have to specify all the parameters values - I know its a bit of pain but give you more insight of the issue.
I think its more like the Product history is not maintained correctly (or missing time-slice in table EVERH)
2016 May 27 3:07 PM
Hi Darell,
From the screenshot I can understand its just warning, can you please check whether the changes are actually replicated or not?
If its not replicated, then you can open the message to show the message ID and number and place a break-point and then execute the MDT from transaction EPRODCUST - here you have to specify all the parameters values - I know its a bit of pain but give you more insight of the issue.
I think its more like the Product history is not maintained correctly (or missing time-slice in table EVERH)
2016 May 27 3:15 PM
Check the previous contracts on the same premise. May be previous contract is moved out from CRM and it is active in ISU side.
This issue occurs only when you have inconsistency between Start & End dates of the contracts in CRM and ISU side.
You also need to check if there are any other queues dependent on the same installation
2016 Jun 06 2:50 PM
Thanks for the useful input. I think I need to ask the security team for my access in EPRODCUST it seems it's not yet authorized in my end.
What happen there is someone initialize a product swap but the contract should already ended and the result is a "In Activation" that didn't turn to "Activation Accepted" and it would not replicate in ISU.
Anyway I'll provide more screenshots later on.
2016 Jun 17 8:24 PM
Hi this a sample:
As you can see in CRM the MVI of contract is way ahead of the product code expiry and the status is already deactivated.
But on IS-U it still active
An when I try to restart the ECRMREPL, log said invalid EVERH()