2013 Sep 30 11:29 AM
Hello All,
I have an issue where the interest is getting calculated during invoicing upto the document date mentioned during invoicing. But the actual requirement is to calculate upto the posting date of the invoicing. Can anyone help me, how i can chnage the calcualtion upto date during invocing.
2013 Oct 01 4:39 AM
Hi Charvi,
I think the interest is calculated against the baseline date.
And if the baseline date is set as the document date in the payment terms then it is calculated up to the document date.
Can you change the baseline date to posting date in the payment terms and then check the interest run?
Hope it helps...
2013 Oct 03 10:26 AM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for your reply.
Changing the baseline date in payment terms would affect a lot of other things which are mapped with it. Instead i used the event 2090 which allowed to change the upto date for interest calculations.