2011 Nov 01 4:42 PM
Our client has an ECC 6.0 instance already running. Now they are implementing IS-U but they want to keep the IS-U in a different database from ECC 6.0. Is it viable? How do I then integrate with the GL which would be in another instance (database). Do I need to have 2 GL setups (one in the is-u instance and other in the ECC 6.0 instance. And the IS-U GL to be mapped to the ECC 6.0 GL)?
Also, what are the complications of keeping the is-u and ecc 6.0 in different instances (databases). Any advise is greatly appreciated.
2011 Nov 01 5:34 PM
Yes - you would be required to duplicate your general ledger. You could implement ALE to integrate the systems OR you could write code to provide interface between the two systems. You would also have to consider materials, HR users/employee data, and other core ECC functions which would also be needed to implement ISU.
2011 Nov 01 5:47 PM
Thanks a lot Bill. You have cleared a great confusion in my mind.
Need one more small advise. We also need to transfer the data periodically to the CO (cost/profit centers to calculate accruals) from IS-U. Does it also have to be duplicated in IS-U instance since the whole of ECC 6.0 is sitting in a different instance?
2011 Nov 02 4:32 PM
Yes - it needs to be duplicated, unless you will determine it only in the other system - which i doubt.
2011 Nov 04 11:48 AM