2015 Mar 18 7:39 PM
Hello all,
The requirement from the business id as follows:
If a customer makes an over payment on an installment loan (tcode EK25), then the payment should be applied only to the principal amount.
It should not be applied to the interest document. The interest should become zero on these documents.
Please help me understand this. How can I apply the over payment amount only to the principal. I am not able to modify the interest amount on EK26 screen, Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you all in advance.
Message was edited by: William Eastman
2015 Mar 23 8:06 PM
Regarding the first part of your question, have you tried configuring clearing variant 20D (Loans) in Open Item Management configuration? You could use the combination of transactions there and the clearing lock for the interest items to solve this issue.
Hope it helps.
2016 Feb 11 8:01 PM
We've run into the same issue with overpayments on an installment loan (EK25). Have you been able to find a solution or a workaround?
Thank you,
2016 Feb 16 4:15 PM
In addition to the above suggestion, you can also code your own clearing rules in the following FI-CA Clearing Event (and add it to the Clearing Variant in the configuration).
Here is the documentation:
Module for distributing an amount allotted to the item group. The item group and the amount are determined by the grouping bar and amount rule of the current clearing step.
Depending on your requirements you can create a clearing proposal according to own rules.
See function module FKK_SAMPLE_TFK115 for information on the interface and documentation.
i hope this helps.
Ivor Martin