2011 Mar 01 5:24 PM
Hi Experts
Our metering services department has a new requirement for devices, that they wish to be "installed" in SAP, to be read on a scheduled basis, but not be billed.
We're assuming a link to an installation is needed, to get the full address from the associated premise, and to have access to the MRU, but installlations need rate categories, which the Accounting dept would like to avoid if possible, so there's no danger of anybody thinking these meters need to be billed.
- associated with both a device location and an installation.
- reads to be taken as part of normal periodic reading
- reads to be posted for informational purposes only
- no rate category assigned
- no billing/invoicing to occur
We've experimented with just a technical installation, but this doesn't appear to give the linkage between the installation and the device, and so the MRU doesn't get picked up.
Has anyone else tried this kind of set up?
What are the options?
Are there any gotchas?
Many Thanks for any advice that can be offered.
2011 Mar 02 6:45 AM
Hi Astrid,
Just a suggestion, might work or might not
Can you use a register group which has the check box of 'register not relevant for billing' checked.
Then the readings entered in the register will not be used for billing.
Please revert back if it works or not.
2011 Mar 01 5:57 PM
I think that the only solution for you is to assign a rate category or installation type which clearly indicates the purpose of the installation - e.g. non-billable or informational. But the installation will contain the controls for the metering and scheduling, and i cannot envision how you can get around that within the standard system.
2011 Mar 02 6:45 AM
Hi Astrid,
Just a suggestion, might work or might not
Can you use a register group which has the check box of 'register not relevant for billing' checked.
Then the readings entered in the register will not be used for billing.
Please revert back if it works or not.
2011 Mar 03 12:46 AM
Thanks for the responses, it looks like we're going to use a combination of all of the above. ie give the installation a specific type, and a new rate category/rate type, possibly with the registers defined as "not relevant to billing".
Also, the installation will stay vacant, so without a contract, the billing doc will be deleted after each read is posted.