2008 Feb 18 12:01 PM
Can someone tell me in which table does the field FACTOR gets updated which is present in the transaction ES31,ES30..
2008 Feb 18 12:07 PM
2008 Feb 18 12:11 PM
when u wl go to the facts button,after entering the operand we wl get factor..
factor is the description of the field.
2008 Feb 18 1:13 PM
check the Tables TE221 , ETTIF (Instln Facts) , ETTIFB(Installation Facts (Reference Values)) , ETTIFN (Installation Facts (Normal)) .
thanks and regards
2008 Feb 18 2:42 PM
this field is about facts - in case of ES30, ES31, ES32 installation facts are meant. If you want to display the values - please use the according button within the screen. If you want to see the rate facts starting from e.g. ES32, please use button 'billing periods' and go thru until the rate is displayed. Double click on the rate and navigate to the facts.
The facts can be entered manually OR within a billing schema. Use e.g. function ISU_INFACT05 within SAPs steps or within your own.