2010 Aug 20 1:05 PM
ISU_S_MOVE_IN_CANCEL is giving exception input_error. In turn it came to ISU_O_MOVE_IN_WORK which is giving same exeption.
The error comes is E602(AM) - End time 20091005235959 of usage 20091006000000 002 is before start time 20091006000000.
I am not able to track why this error comes. I have done lot of debugging, it actually generates this error very deep in some standarad code. somewhere in ISU_O_PARTNER_INPUT which calls BUS_FOREIGN_DATA_CHECK.
Can you please help me if this is any data issue or something else?
Thanks in advance
2010 Aug 20 1:21 PM
You should check the valid from and valid to for the communication data for the Business Partner in
se16: Table ADR2 and table BUT020
Search entry with this date
Then you have to correct the valid to or valid from data via the change of business partner.
Hope this helps.
2010 Aug 23 9:32 AM
Yes, the entries found in ADR2 are found being calculated when error gets generated.
The entry which gives above error has valid_to date blank and valid_from as 20091006000000. the place where its coming is FM ADDR_PERSONAL_COMM_MAINTAIN.
The difference is nothing but only of 1 second. this value is calculated somewhere and not coming directly from database. Still not able to find what exactly went wrong. and why error says that end time is before start time of usage??
2010 Oct 05 11:41 AM
The valid from date is greater than valid to date when Addresses of BP are viewed in FPP3. Addresses may be email or fax or telephone or mobile number.
2010 Oct 05 11:43 AM
The problem was in master data records. It was incosistency of addresses maintained at Business partner level.