2013 Feb 10 2:50 PM
Hi Experts,
I have maintained independent validation which is based on the relative tolerance limit (06). Now we are using a custom meter reading entry screen where multiplie readings can be entered against installations for a whole MRU. Now after saving 20-25 entries I have noticed some of the readings are becoming implausible for justified reason but some of them are becoming implausible though the current consumption is within higher and lower expected consumptions.
Independent Validation is showing as "Validation Completed" if I try to correct it and showing a message :
Need quick response guys.
2013 Nov 24 5:24 AM
we also have faced similar issue where meter reading was saved implausible , but seeing it from EL27 it is asking to release the read .This is clearance parameter issue
As the exit is enhance , please clear the variable which are set during the process