2011 Dec 20 11:29 AM
Hello Guru,
We want to restrict incoming payment for certain Contract account, Payment lock have been applied to those contract account,
Still when tried receiving payment through FPCJ system is allowing incoming payment for said CA.
Kindly help in resolving the issue
Thanking you in advance
Shekhar sonar
2011 Dec 20 1:32 PM
You would need to implement an enhancement for that. Incoming payment lock only affects FPY1 payments.
2011 Dec 21 6:52 AM
Hi William
Thanks for the reply,
Please elobarate on "enhancement need to be done" how to do it?
2012 Jan 10 9:35 PM
Try transaction FQEVENTS, and look under 'Cash Desk'. You can implement your own function module to enhance the behaviour of the cash desk.
Paul Bakker
2012 Jan 11 6:47 AM
Hi Paul
i explored the events in FQEVENTS , in cash desk , payments, payment lot, could not found any.
Does anybody know specific event number and functional module which will suffice the need.
Thanks ,
2012 Jan 11 3:34 PM
You might consider the usage of a "Clearing Block". In this case , you first configure a Posting Block in Basic Settings, with attribute "Clearing Block only".
This will prevent payments and any other clearings. Keep in mind this prevents all clearings, so the posting block must be removed if the user wants to manually clear items.
Then allocate this block at either the document level or the Contract Account level, depending on the business requirement.
I hope it helps.
Ivor Martin
2012 Jan 12 2:05 AM
OK.. did you have a look at event 6030 under Cash Desk in FQEVENTS?
I haven't used it myself, but it allows you to pass in the VKONT, and set a 'NO_POSTINGS' flag if you find soemthign wrong (eg a payment block).
Maybe that will do the trick. Let us know if it works!
Paul Bakker