2015 Apr 16 9:25 PM
Hi ,
I have a question on how to handle incoming and outgoing payments for one of the business process that I came across.
Scenario # There is a BUYER A who purchases his tickets from SELLER B through company X
Now BUYER A makes a payment of 100 $ to X company . X company will hold the payment until the ticket is used. Once the ticket is used X company will release the payment with 1% cut out of 100 $ and release the payment to seller – B. X company will keep 1 $ and releases 99 $ to seller B
In the above process is there any incoming /outgoing payment process which I can use to automatically have the 1% cut and release the outgoing payment to seller.
Appreciate your help, if any one can through some ideas on it.
2015 Apr 17 3:12 PM
Hi Raju,
So basically you want to deduct the 1% from the payment before giving it to the seller B,
you can use revenue distribution functionality in FICA, you maintain the seller B as final recipient and there is a event which allows you to deduct the payment automatically, check classic revenue distribution not enhanced revenue distribution, it will accommodate your requirement.
2015 Apr 17 2:08 AM
In your Business process, how does SAP comes to know that the ticket has been used.
I guess definitely there is some feed which comes back to SAP, when the ticket value has been utilized.
So at this point, you can place an enhancement to spilt the payment amount into two separate line items using any standard FM like, FKK_OPEN_ITEM_SPLIT and have one item of $99 and other item of $1.
You can set the outgoing payment method at the document level only for the $99 and it will get picked in the refund run. The $1 line item will remain with the company.
Hope it helps.
2015 Apr 17 3:12 PM
Hi Raju,
So basically you want to deduct the 1% from the payment before giving it to the seller B,
you can use revenue distribution functionality in FICA, you maintain the seller B as final recipient and there is a event which allows you to deduct the payment automatically, check classic revenue distribution not enhanced revenue distribution, it will accommodate your requirement.
2015 Apr 17 4:08 PM
@ Amla: Thanks for the idea. Yes there is a triger which will let us know that the ticket was redeemed by the buyer.
I will try out the scenario in sand box with the inputs provided by you and vikram and will let you guys know how it goes.