2010 Jul 13 8:30 PM
Hi All
In the Escheatment, we are processing the Transfer of cashed checks by using the TC:FPB12
But the table DFKKCR (Repository For Checks) is not updating with the value for field ESCHRC_ORI (Receiver Code for Check Escheatment)
Could you please let me know any one like is there any thing is missing while configuring the Escheatment???
2010 Jul 13 10:00 PM
Hi Vishnu,
Have you maintained the receiver codes for the escheatment under check management configuration settings.
When you run the automatic payment run for outgoing payments the field will get updated then itself , you don't have to post the cashed checks for the field to get updated.
Edited by: VR_SAPFICA on Jul 13, 2010 11:12 PM
2010 Jul 13 10:00 PM
Hi Vishnu,
Have you maintained the receiver codes for the escheatment under check management configuration settings.
When you run the automatic payment run for outgoing payments the field will get updated then itself , you don't have to post the cashed checks for the field to get updated.
Edited by: VR_SAPFICA on Jul 13, 2010 11:12 PM
2010 Jul 14 4:32 PM
Thanks for your reply
I've added limited configuration (2 states) for receiver codes. The receiver code is set at the time the check is created (FPY1) And getting the values for the corresponding fields like Receiver Code values ( ESCHRC_ORI) in the table DFKKCR.
I want to know that, is it the address updating is based on BP level?
My concern is whether the receiver code set in the table is done using the correct BP address (as there may be a number of addresses available).
If so, I need to set the contract account level fixed address not the BP level address so that the corresponding fields in the table DFKKCR has to populate. I want to ensure the state in this address is used to determine the receiver code.
Could you please let me know how can I achieve this?
If any enhancement is there to take the contract account level fixed address not the BP level address.
2010 Jul 14 5:04 PM
Goto event 431, the documentation will provide you the information on the questions you are looking.
2010 Jul 14 6:04 PM
2010 Jul 14 6:15 PM
I'm not sure why we would want to use R431 if it deals with invoicing. Were you thinking about 0431 (which deals with escheatment)? 0431 is probably also too late in the process, since it is apparently triggered at the start of escheatment. Since we will be using a third-party vendor for escheatment, we will probably not be executing the SAP escheatment process. There are issues around maintaining the escheatment rules in SAP database, which the 3PV does for us. Currently the plan is to produce the output file for the third-party vendor (UPRR) from transaction FPCHR. when escheatment is activated, the receiver code is included in the FPCHR output.
Since I am looking at events, can you look for one that occurs when checks are created via FPY1? That is most likely where we would want to make a change.
430 event ? "Escheatment data at Check creation?
Looks like event 430 is exactly what I want to use-- it's specifically for updating receiver code
I think the code to be added should do the following:
1) Retrieve the address based on the contract account on the check (FKKVKP-ADRNB). It looks like ADRC is passed in to the event FM, but we have been assuming that is the BP address, not the CA address. Please verify whether this assumption is correct by testing in E2S.
2) Set the V_ESCHRC_ORI value to the ADRC-REGION (2-letter state abbreviation) on the associated ADRC record
VR--can you please advice me is its works ?
or any other event do you think I have to change ?
2010 Jul 14 7:19 PM
Hi Vishnu,
I know events 430 and 431 are used in escheatment process but I am not sure of technical aspects.
2010 Jul 14 7:25 PM
2010 Jul 15 8:56 PM
the events 430 and 431 are only triggering when START CHECK ESCHEATMENT PRORCESS.
but i need a event when triger before ESCHEATMENT PRORCESS like creation of checks while running TC: FPY1
If you know any events while trigger Payment Methods or running FPY1 or creating the check, please let me know
Moderator note: If you need an event - look in FQEVENTS. OP should do more own research.