2016 Jan 04 5:18 AM
Hello Gurus,
In case of ISU-only scenario we can have multiple CA (Contract accounts) for one BP (Business Partner) in system.
Cardinality: 1 BP to multiple CA.
Currently,I am able to fetch payment data against BP number
But End user Login via CA number.
How can we get data against CA number and not against BP number.
Note: I have standard OData service 'ERP_UTILITIES_UMC' up and running.
Suggestions and comments are appreciated.
-Pavan G
2016 Jan 18 4:43 PM
You may use the standard BAPI function module BAPI_ACCOUNT_GETBALANCES to fetch the balance by specifying the Contract Account. Check the documentation for this module to interpret the items that are returned.
I hope this helps.
2016 Jan 18 6:45 PM
Hi Pavan,
I second Ivor's response. The BAPI_ACCOUNT_GETBALANCES work well for CA level.
2016 Jan 20 2:32 PM
Pavan, not sure about your scenario in OData model on ERP.
You can do GET on Accounts('X')/ContractAccounts?$expand=ContractAccountBalance.
This OData request should give you contract account balance per contract account.
Regards, Yevgen