2012 Feb 06 11:58 AM
I have scenario where lots of documents are posted in this manner.
1.Statistical entry is posted (Sub transaction- statistical -0020) ; then
2.Same has been cleared against payment and statistical entry gets real (Sub transaction - real - 0021);then
3. Clearing has been reset ; then
4. Statistical entry has been reversed
Now system is unable to find credit line items which once cleared against statistical line item. This issue is causing mismatch between debtors and G/L line items.
How to find such entries?
2012 Feb 06 2:09 PM
When you make the payment, keep track of the payment document number.
You should then ne able to retrieve the payment using DFKKKO (Document header table).
If you run Automatic Clearing on a regular basis, the Open credits will clear against any other outstanding Receivables for a given Business Partner. If thats the case, they will not be visible as open credits anymore. Perhaps this is happening in your example.
Ivor M.
2012 Feb 08 7:24 AM
Sorry change in q.
1. Real Debit posting (DFKKOP)
2. Clearing by payment against that document (DFKKZP)
3. Payment reset (DFKKOP - Main transaction 0610 - No GL impact - partial reset)
4. Reversal of entry posted in Step ( DFKKOP - clearing reason -05)
5. Posting of SD request (statistical - 0020 - No GL impact)
6. Account maintanence of item 3 with item 5 (real posting - 0021 - SD)
Ideally above entry shall show in Down payment Tab but it is not showing.
This entry shows in table ZDOCBAL.
So is there is any way to find this data.
2012 Feb 08 1:56 PM
In your point number (6), please explain what you meam by "0021" - Real Posting.
Also, did you note the FI-CA document number when you made the Security Deposit request? If so, display it in FPE3 and see if there is a Clearing document associated with it.
Normally when the deposit is paid, the clearing document creates a document with Main 0020 and Sub 0010, with clearing resriction of "2".
Check the setting in Posting Area 1010 (via transaction FQC0) to ensure that for Statistical Key H, for Main/Sub 0020/0020, the offset Main/Subis 0020/0010, with Clearing Restriction "2".
Also, check your serttings for Main/Sub 0020/0020 in table V_TFKITVOR. Check the Statistical setting indicator to see if it properly set for Cash Security Deposit Requests.
Ivor M.