2013 Aug 23 11:50 AM
first i want to know , do Tcode ec70 is part of CRM module if not i am getting some error regarding template, so i want to know about which template he is refering to ?
2013 Aug 23 2:42 PM
a master data template? EPRODCUST transaction? Please define your problem more clearly
2013 Aug 28 4:55 PM
hi i am able to generate movin document with same configuration , but now i am facinga different issue .
i have 3 premises having same address, when i move out like today and try to move in after 3 days , its giving me an error. but if i do a reversal move out of one of the premisses , then i am able to perform move in.
also it would be great help if u can tell me can i perform move in and move out on same day, and how to change address of premises .
2013 Aug 28 5:57 PM
abhishek kumar wrote:
i have 3 premises having same address, when i move out like today and try to move in after 3 days , its giving me an error. This could be anything. Should discuss with functional consultant.
but if i do a reversal move out of one of the premisses , then i am able to perform move in.
also it would be great help if u can tell me can i perform move in and move out on same day, The system will allow for this.
and how to change address of premises . Address is maintained on connection object. Please follow the link to the help found