2019 Aug 29 4:45 PM
Hello All,
I have been using BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD to upload ISU Meter reads. So far, I had been using it for individual reads inside a loop. Since this BAPI is taking a long time, I started using it outside of LOOP. However, the return message is very generic, stating for example; "2 of 2 readings uploaded successfully.".
Is there a way we can get confirmation messages for all input reads?
Also, is there a way to improve performance of BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD?
2019 Aug 29 4:49 PM
Hi - there is a SAP Note on this topic - please see https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/0002167033 - does it apply to your situation?
2019 Aug 29 6:09 PM
Hello Tammy,
This might not be relevant as in my case, readings are uploaded successfully. It's just that RETURN table is not showing messages for individual readings. Instead, it just summarizes the result.
2019 Sep 06 7:26 AM
Please use the COMMENT button for comments, questions, adding details, etc., ANSWER is only to propose a solution, dixit SAP text at the right of the answer area: "Before answering You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster's problem"
2019 Sep 05 7:34 PM
Well I'd rate the message "2 of 2 readings uploaded successfully." as confirmation for all readings.
When the number of successfull readings is lower than the no of readings passed, I'd expext additional messages for the failed readings, see FM documentation parameter "RETURN"
2019 Sep 06 7:29 AM
Probably not, but it's a simple logic: the message being "A of B readings uploaded successfully", if A = B then you may easily send a message yourself for each of the readings you uploaded. If A < B then probably you'll have a detailed message for each of the readings with errors.
2019 Sep 06 9:16 AM
Could you check in SLG1 for a generated application log (If I am not mistaken, should be object IUMS?)
In this case, are the required missing informations available in the log (but which information do you actually require when you get number success = number of readings) you could read those with a FM such as BAL_DB_LOAD or APPL_LOG_READ_DB.