2009 Aug 17 6:46 PM
Hi Fritz/Sachin,
Thank you for all your support,
Well i have a new requirement for the project as the data team has uploaded the functional location.Now they want me to upload the User status,Classification Data and the Partners for the Functional location change in one single FM.
As i told you i am new to emigall,i wanted to know has anyone done this kind of customization in one functional module.
And can you guys help me with this functional module.
i require to go to the IL02 to update the functional location with following parameter.
User status,Classification Data and the Partners
so i hope that you can help me in this regard.
thank you so much every one for your unrelenting support.
Kind Regards,
2009 Aug 18 2:21 PM
Hello Robert,
Classification data: migration object OBJCLASS
User Status: migration object OBJSTATUS
Partners for the Functional location: own migration object (see my answer in )
I cannot recommend to combine all this in one single migration object (resp. to call the various serve function modules in a single service function module). This is, because database updates will be done by each function module and even worse: you need to update the database with COMMIT WORK. This approach will make a recovery from a mistake impossible if there is an error e.g. when updating the object status because the classification data will already be saved in the database. Technically speaking: the application will have updated the database even the service function modules reports an error.
In chapter 7.11.9 of the you may find the following statement: This is a typical challenge of migrating a business process. The resulting data has to be saved in the database first before executing the subsequent process step. Therefore, the process cannot be migrated completely with a single migration object. If a single migration object is used, it is not possible to recover from a failed second or third process step even if the data in the import file is corrected. This is because the service function module must assume that the first process step has to be executed in the first try. Nevertheless, the obvious solution is to use the three BAPI migration object.
Please ask the functional DM team why it has to be done in a single step and pass the information above to them.
Kind regards,