2011 Apr 21 11:25 PM
Hi Guys,
I am getting an inbound idoc which is same as ISU_MR_UPLOAD01 and using the MRID number I need to update the device location notes. Could you please let me know if you have any idea on this.
2011 Apr 26 7:48 AM
Hi Sar,
You need to find the device location number from MRID number. To do this first you can find the installation number (ANLAGE)froma table EABLG using MRID number (ABLBELNR). Using ANLAGE, you can find logical device number (LOGIKNR) from table EASTL using AB and BIS. You can use BIS =31.12.9999 to get the latest logical device number. Using LOGIKNR, you can find the device location number (DEVLOC) from table EGERH.
To update now the static note of device location, you can use FM ISU_DB_ENOTE_UPDATE. Pass XY_OBJ-OBJKEY = device location number and XY_OBJ-OBJTYPE = '3'. Populate the structure USNOTES-NOTE with your required device location notes number. You can use ADDTXT1, ADDTXT2 etc. of USNOTES structure if you want to update any additional text.
Just for your reference the note for device location are stored in ENOTE and ENOTET table.
Hope this will help you.
2011 May 06 10:35 AM
Hi Nirmalya,
Thanks for your response.
I have done it by following method.
I have retrieved the EQUNR from MRID number(EABL table) and through EQUNR I have retrieved the DEVLOC(EGERH table) and then I have updated the DEVLOC by using the FM ISU_S_NOTE_CREATE_DI.
Please check an let me know if this is not correct.
2011 May 13 3:06 PM
Hi Sar,
There should not be any problem with this approach also. It should work properly.