2021 Mar 05 4:31 AM
Hello everyone
Need some help in figuring out how to FIX the contract account address. We have all the addresses at the BP level. So during move in we are want to set specific address as the Contract Account Fix address via code. So is there a FM or BAPI which we can use ?
Any help is appreciated.
2021 Mar 05 10:09 AM
2021 Mar 05 12:09 PM
The field FKKVKP-ADRNB is set if another than the standard address is chosen in transaction CAA2 (using F4-help). In this case (as shown in the picture above) in the header the field "BP: Address Description" and beside the flag for "Fix" are set.
So you may check to use BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE to change FKKVKP-ADRNB.
2021 Mar 14 7:36 PM
Hi Harsh,
Since you have to achieve this 'fix' scenario during move-in you have to first identify the user-exit(s) during move-in and check the Contract Account related field in this case FKKVKP-ADRNB as the parameter which can be changed in the user-exit(s). This also depends on the process you use to do move-in like if you have CRM then you have to cover that scenario as well (EPRODC*/MDT etc)