2014 Jan 01 4:37 AM
I have a requirement to reverse the completion of disconnection documents through a BDC Program (of transaction EC86). The document contains 5 line items in Disconnection Activity as follows:
1. Disconnection Order
2. Disconnection Entry
3. Reconnection Order
4. Reconnection Entry
5. Completion
Since reversing requires scrolling down to the 5th line item, this poses as a significant challenge. Other posts suggest using the OK_CODE = '=P+' to simulate a page down or scroll, but it doesn't seem to be working primarily because the system ends up giving the error:
Function Code can not be selected.
More precisely, the system can't seem to find the table to scroll on to it seems. I've tried all combinations of BDC_CURSOR on EENO_DYNP-ZEILE(01/02) or EDISCD-ACTTYPTEXT(01/02) but it doesn't seem to be working.
This is my routine that performs the BDC:
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLEC85' '0100'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'EDISCD-DISCNO'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLES34' '0200'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLES34' '0200'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO1' '0100'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLES34' '0200'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field using 'EDISCDOCS-BILLREL'
perform bdc_transaction using 'EC86'.
2014 Jan 02 11:18 AM
I managed to do so wih the help of the following function module: ISU_DB_EDCN_UPDATE.
2014 Jan 02 11:18 AM
I managed to do so wih the help of the following function module: ISU_DB_EDCN_UPDATE.