2009 Aug 12 10:35 AM
Hi everyone,
Could anybody please guide me how can we maintain schedule invoice print date in table te417.
Or, please guide how this field gets maintained?
Thanks and Regards
Edited by: MP Vashishth on Aug 12, 2009 11:36 AM
2009 Aug 12 11:04 AM
scheduled print invoice date is maintained in 'portion' which is part of the scheduling setup.
scheduling helps in generate dates for meter reading, billing, and budget billing plans etc.
in portion we give some date in the following fields.
end of billing period--Date by which the portion must be billed .
allocation date of billing--used to allocate billing statistically.
scheduled billing date-Date on which the billing of contracts belonging to a portion is to be started
scheduled print invoicing date--date on which printout should be generated.
all these date are important as they help to generate schedule records for billing and invoicing.
the end of billing date should be after scheduled billing date i.e this should be last date
order of dates scheduled billing date 21042008
scheduled print date 25042008
end of billing date 30042008
table te417 stores the schedule records which are created for the portion one has made.
kindly go thr this link for more info.
revert back for more clarifications.
2009 Aug 12 11:08 AM
The Scheduled Invoice Print Date can be maintained at Portion level.
Go to T-Code E41C for change portion and there you will find the option for scheduled invoice print date.
Hope this helps!!
Rajesh Popat
2009 Aug 25 1:28 PM
Hi everyone,
I am closing this request as there is a limitation of no. of open questions.
Please keep on sending your valuable replies.
Thanks and Regards