2013 Mar 15 2:44 PM
Hey All,
We have the following issue.
Issue is occuring due to incorrect postal code present in the system. For e.g. X postal code has 2 different assigned on it (1 correct anf 2nd incorrect entry)
We tried to dlete those incorrect entry from SPRO config but its not possible to dleete as the incorrect ccity code have psotal code assigned into it.
I wanted to know if there is any standard SAP report avialabe to dlete the city code as we are not able to delete using SPRO or SAP transaction .
We have program RSADRLSM01 to delete the complete region structure but it involves high risk .
So can any one suggested any program or FM by which the incorrect entires can be deleted.
Thanks in Advance .
With Regards,
2013 May 16 2:12 PM
why do you think that using RSADRLSM01 is a high risk?
during implementation, I was forced to used it several times, and never encountered a problem.