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How to implement badi ISU_IDE_SWITCHDOC

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have a query regarding switch document enhancement.

I need to add 3 new fields in to my switch document enhancement and also i need to add code also. Could you please explain me step by step basis.




0 Kudos

You can add the new field into customer enhancement structure CI_EIDESWTDOC in table EIDESWTDOC and implement these method to show subscreen and show the customized fiels. See [sap help|] for more details.

Methods for Additional Data Tab Page of Display Dialog

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_INIT (Customer enhancement for header data: Initialize subscreen)

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_INIT Customer enhancement for header data: Initialize subscreen

XY_SWTDOC_DIALOG_OBJ (import/export) Switch document dialog object

You set the screen information for the subscreen from customer enhancement CI_EIDESWTDOC here. The sample implementation sets the program SAPLEIDE_SWITCHDOC_DISPLAY_EXu2019 (function group EIDE_SWITCHDOC_DISPLAY_EX) and screen u20180100u2019.

For a customer-specific development, copy and change the function group EIDE_SWITCHDOC_DISPLAY_EX together with the function modules. You must, correspondingly, set the program for this new function group and its screen in the customer implementation of the method.

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_PBO (Customer enhancement for header data: Subscreen PBO)

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_PBO Customer enhancement for header data: Subscreen PBO

X_SWTDOC_DIALOG_OBJ (import) Switch document dialog object

This method is called for each PBO for the switch document dialog, and allows you to prepare the customer-specific screen for display.

The system determines all header data for the switch document (including customer enhancements) in the sample implementation, and then calls the function ISU_O_IDE_SWITCHDOC_CI_PBO from function group EIDE_SWITCHDOC_DISPLAY_EX.

For the customer-specific development, call the corresponding function from the customer implementation of the function group.

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_FREE_CONTR (Customer enhancement for header data: Subscreen controls free)

CI_HEAD_SUBSCREEN_FREE_CONTR Customer enhancement for header data: Subscreen controls free

X_SWTDOC_DIALOG_OBJ (import) Switch document dialog object

This method is called when shutting the switch document dialog, and allows you to release resources to the customer subscreen.

