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How to get the list of billing documents selected for reversal

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Currently I am facing an issue that while reversing an invoice via EA13 I need the billing documents which are selected for reversal along with the invoice in a Billing Reversal exit (EXIT_SAPLEABC_01).

For example, if an invoice has 2 Periodic bill document and 2 Manual Bill documents and the invoice is being reversed via EA13. User selects 1 Periodic and 1 Manual bill document. When the billing reversal exit is triggered, I need to know which all bill documents were selected.

I debugged the standard flow and identified that first Invoice is reversed and the changes are committed and then in a loop, the bill document which were selected in ALV in EA13 are reversed. During the reversal of bills, the billing exit is triggered.

Is there any exit which I could customize to get the list of billing documents selected by the user?

Thanks and Regards,

Rohit Anand


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

Go to T.code-SMOD and check the following exits

EBIA0007  IS-U: customer-defined activities in billing reversal 

EBIA0008  IS-U: customer-defined activities in billing reversal update

EBIA0011  IS-U: Billing update                                  

Hope it helps



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

Thanks for the quick response.

Amlan these exits gets triggered during Billing reversal once for each of the billing document whereas I need an exit which triggers during invoice reversal and before the bill reversal.

I debugged EA13 code and the program flow is that first the Print document is reversed and once the print document and its corresponding FICA charges are reversed, then changes are committed and after that the bill documents are reversed.

My Requirement is as follows:

1. Before the reversal of bill document starts, I need to export the list of Bill documents selected for reversal in selection screen of EA13.

2. During bill reversal, I will validate if all the required bill documents have been selected or not. For example there are 3 bill documents (1 Periodic and 2 Manual) as part of the invoice and during reversal the periodic bill is not selected for reversal, then I need to stop the billing.

We have already customized the EBIA0007 Exit you mentioned but this exit is triggered during reversal of bill document. Hence if I need to add the validation here then I need to know which all billing documents were selected during invoice reversal.

I could not find any Implicit enhancement or any exit which could be customized to capture the list of billing documents selected for reversal.

Please let me know if there is any exit which could be customized or if any other approach that can be taken for this scenario.


Rohit Anand

0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

What I understand from your query is, you wants some bill documents mandatory for reversal  if user is doing invoice reversal.

If I am correct so my suggestion to you is you should look for screen exit (Billing document pop up screen - attached ) and make select tab as grayed-out for the bill document you want, so user can't de-select those.



0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

I think you will need to do an implicit enhancement in the FM, ISU_REVERSE_CA_BILL_DOC.

This gets called triggered during EA13 and you will get the Billing documents selected by the User in the import table XT_BELNR

So, in there, you can put a check to see if all the Billing documents are selected or not, you can raise the exception GENERAL_FAULT.

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

I debugged this FM (ISU_REVERSE_CA_BILL_DOC) multiple times but couldn't find any implicit enhancement or enhancement point in it.

Is that due to a version issue?

The last updated version for this FM in my system is 12/30/2013.

Thanks and Regards,

Rohit Anand

0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

The FM,ISU_REVERSE_CA_BILL_DOC, is not released by SAP.

The last updated version will not give you a correct picture, as it can be due to a patch upgrade, or due to the implementation of a SAP note, which impacts this FM.

I guess you have already checked the EDIT-->Enhancement Operations-->Show Implicit Enhancement Options in SE37 menu for the FM,ISU_REVERSE_CA_BILL_DOC.

Can you let me know the EHP version of your SAP System.

