2010 Sep 02 4:18 AM
I would like to ask how can I get the corresponding lines from table DFKKOP/DFKKOPK given only the FI document number?
I tried to use the Recon Key to connect from FI to DFKKKO then DFKKOP/DFKKOPK. However, it is not sufficient so I added the Posting date in the criteria.
This is already working. However, I saw a new scenario that a Recon Key with its corresponding posting dates appear to have more than 1 FI document.
FI Document Recon Key Posting Date
900000001 1-0000000001 09/01/2010
900000002 1-0000000001 09/01/2010
FICA Document Recon Key Posting Date
13000000000 1-0000000001 09/01/2010
13000000001 1-0000000001 09/01/2010
From the example above, if I get the corresponding DFKKKO entry for FI document 900000001, I will get 2 entries in DFKKKO table. But when I drilled down from the FB03 transaction to display corresponding FICA documents, it only shows one document - 13000000000.
The question is how can I know all the corresponding FICA documents for a given FI document knowing that they are some FI documents with the same recon keys to others.
Appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.
2010 Sep 02 12:14 PM
the corresponding FI-CA documents for a FI documents you get for example as follow:
tr. FB03 --> button: document list:
Company code
Fiscal Year
Reference Transaction: FKKSU
Reference key: "rec. key"* (after rec.-key write a *)
Enter: now you see all FI documents to the rec.key
choose one
Menue: Environment --> Document Environment --> Original Document
I hope I could help you, I think the problem was that you has forgot the "*"
2010 Sep 03 8:48 AM
Hi Christiane,
Thanks for your reply. But I already got the correct recon key from BKPF to DFKKSUM. My problem is how can I know the corresponding FICA documents for a given FI document?
2010 Sep 03 9:21 AM
choose in tr. FB03 the FI document --> display this FI document and here you could see the assigned FICA doc. via menue:
Menue: Environment --> Document Environment --> Original Document
or better:
report: RFKKGL30, transaction: FPG5
here you could enter the FI document (or others) in selection
this is a FI-CA functionality
Best regards.
2010 Sep 03 2:39 PM
Hi Denver,
If you have the reconciliation key, go to transaction FPF3, enter the reconciliation key, go to document itemization. Here you will have all the FICA documents that are included in that reconciliation key.