2011 Dec 20 1:07 PM
hi all,
i am looking for scenario like how to find check is bounce or not from system.
please help in this, like any tables or function modules for checking the status for check bounce or check cleared in the payment.
2011 Dec 21 7:05 AM
You can use transaction FPCHR to see the status of checks. The table is dfkkcr.
2012 Jan 13 2:41 PM
Normally rejected payments (including cheques) must be processed as IS-U "Returns".
Therefore the returns history report RFKKRF02 (transaction FPM3) will provide you the history of the rejected payment/s.
I hope this gives you what you are looking for.
Ivor Martin
2012 Jan 20 4:58 AM
Table DFKKZP has Resetting Type indicator which can tell you if payment is returned and also table DFKKRP holds the link of Returns Document and Payment Document if you want to lot for all payment types and not just lot payments.