2013 Mar 08 11:45 AM
We have been using 0FC_BP_ITEMS extractor to extract BP items data into BI system. But GL data is not getting extracted using this extractor as it retrieves data by comparing with DFKKOP table. Hence not all entries from table DFKKOP are extracted.
Can anybody help us to know the process to extract GL relevant data from DFKKOPK table in BI?
2013 Mar 11 12:29 AM
Hi Uday,
I dont think so there is any standard extractor for retrieving the GL information from table DFKKOPK into BI.
I would recommend you to create a view of the table DFKKOPK in Source System and build a custom Data source which would pull the data from the standard table DFKKOPK through the view in to BI.
Hope it helps...