2014 Dec 12 10:30 AM
I tried for many times to delete a depedency which was created one day ago, and i can not do it because I gave the follow message:
"Assignments Still Exist for the Dependency.
Please Delete These First",
even if this dependency don't have any assignements!
Can anyone help me to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance!
2014 Dec 12 10:37 AM
Hi Rares,
report RCCTKNOW can be used to delete the dependencies. This report has a display mode and return a very large number of entries.
Also, you might find useful the following note:
Hope this helps you.
2014 Dec 12 10:37 AM
Hi Rares,
report RCCTKNOW can be used to delete the dependencies. This report has a display mode and return a very large number of entries.
Also, you might find useful the following note:
Hope this helps you.
2014 Dec 16 7:58 AM
Hello Hugo,
Thanks for your quick response!
Can you explain, how can I delete the dependency using RCCTKNOW report, because i didn't use it before?
Thank you in advance!
2014 Dec 16 8:08 AM
Hi Rares,
RCCTKNOW is a standard ABAP report available within SAP system.
This report program checks whether the characteristic contains dependency assignments that are no longer used.
On the selection screen, you can define whether the dependencies that are no longer used are deleted.
Start this program if you cannot delete characteristics or global object dependencies, even though they are apparently not in use. You can start this program multiple times without losing data
Hope it helps..