2011 Jul 19 10:33 PM
Need help, we have requirement to default posting date in all FICA and Billing transactions as current system date and user having option to change it if required.
so could you please let me know how should i acheive the same? through screen variants i tried but it is not coming as editable mode
2011 Jul 20 1:25 PM
Hi vinod,
Have you tried this... For Ex. For Txn. FB50 You will find button "Editing Options" click on that. it will open "Accounting editing Options" under "Special options for single screen transactions" set flag to "Default Document Date from Posting Date"
2011 Jul 20 1:25 PM
Hi vinod,
Have you tried this... For Ex. For Txn. FB50 You will find button "Editing Options" click on that. it will open "Accounting editing Options" under "Special options for single screen transactions" set flag to "Default Document Date from Posting Date"
2011 Jul 20 3:19 PM
thanks, I checked it but this functionality is not avaible for all the FICA transactions like FP08 (reversal date here i want to default as current system date) and ea13 and so on.