2011 Feb 09 10:22 AM
Hello guys!
I have the following question and I hope you could be able to answer.
In Invoicing, we select all the open payment we received from a customer and we include them in the Account maintenance line of the Print document. In some cases the amount of the payments is higher than the amount of the consumption and this leads to a transfer posting of the amount of the overpayment.
For example:
received payments
consumption for the billign period
The transfer document will contain the following items/subitems:
item subitem amount clearing status main transaction subtransaction
0001 000 50,00EUR 0250 0010
0001 001 50,00EUR 9 0250 0010
0001 000 100,00EUR 0250 0010
My question is - is there an event which can be used to change the subtransaction for a subitem?
I checked and tested event R418 but it can be used to change the subtransaction only for an item.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards,
2011 Feb 09 4:15 PM
2011 Feb 10 10:38 AM
Hello Chris,
I am afraid that this is not the solution for my problem.
As you can see from the transfer line, the clearing rules are ok. I want to change the subtransaction of the subitem only.
2011 Feb 11 4:42 AM
Hi ,
First of all the Event R418 as you have mentioned have the structures FKKKO and FKKOP .
In FKKKO you will not get the sub item and in FKKOP you will get the sub itmes .
Before the process gets in to Event R418 it has only 1 line item and hence you are facing the problem .
If you have multiple line items getting in to the FM then you can build the logic based on the Import date that is passed in structure FKKOP .
Else try for the function module FKK_OPEN_ITEM_SPLIT , in R418 where in you can split the document if you are having only 1 entry in FKKOP.
Kindly check and revert back with your findings .
Regards ,