2021 Aug 06 5:37 PM
Hello Experts,
I have this std FQevent R437 that is called at line#141 in FM : ISU_INV_UNIT_ACTION. This R437 suits my requirement as i need to assign invoice amount to xy_invoice_param-outsort_amt.
But i want it to be called after line# 954 as i will get new invoice amount and after that i can assign it to the parameter xy_invoice_param.
Surprisingly i see that the event R436 is called quite later (than R437) which is at Line 1158.
So how to call an FQEVENT at later stage?
2021 Aug 09 11:27 PM
Can someone answer this? I can see event R419 getting triggered but i don't know what is it for. It has only import parameters.
I want to change the out sorted amount in X_INVOICE_PARAM.
2021 Aug 15 2:17 PM
I think i found a solution. It's working i.e doing the necessary updated if i call this R437 in some other FQ event .
Can someone tell me if this permissible & does not lead to any problems?
2021 Aug 17 4:50 AM
Can any one please tell me if this is wrong or right?
2021 Aug 17 5:25 AM
Defining custom code behind an FQEVENTS event is like calling a function module at a user exit i.e. standard code is like this:
" so-called event R437
CALL FUNCTION 'registered function module name for event R437' ...
" so-called event R436
CALL FUNCTION 'registered function module name for event R436' ...
SAP don't forbid your custom code to do that in any of your custom function modules:
FUNCTION <registered function module name for event R437>.
CALL FUNCTION 'registered function module name for event R436' ...
2021 Aug 26 6:20 PM
first of all I think that R437 doesn't suit your requirement as the documentation says:
"Currently, you can only change the posting date (BUDAT) and document date (BLDAT) for the invoicing parameters."
Regarding "if i call this R437 in some other FQ event":
Why do you want to call R437 from some other event, if this other event allows to change the out sorted amount in X_INVOICE_PARAM?
Why don't you then change it there directly?
2021 Aug 30 3:10 PM
R437 is just assigning the contents in x_invoice_unit into X_INVOICE_PARAM out sort structure.
R437 suits my requirement.. but it is getting called way before the new invoice mount is getting called.
Example: I mean if R437 is called at line 10 & the new invoice calc is done at line 100. There is other FQevent 582 which is called at line 110 & is allowing the call to R437 with assignment / changing of parameters.
I see its working fine w/o any dumps.
Please suggest.