2013 Dec 17 4:46 PM
Hi Exeperts,
Can you please explain how to calculate Interest on Security Deposit ?
It should calculate through while release?
2013 Dec 17 7:41 PM
transactions FPINTM2 and FPI2 calculate deposit interest. There is no standard functionality for calculation during release. You can also calculate interest during invoicing if that function is activated.
2013 Dec 18 3:27 AM
Hi William,
Thanks for you quick replly,
My requirement is we are maintaining special category Contract Accounts for Security deposits means 80** series for Sec Dep and 60** series for Normal.
while i am executing FPI2 Interest not getting Calculated on Deposit amounts.Can you please help on this any thing is wrong?
2013 Dec 18 5:21 AM
Did u assign the interest key in the Contract Account, if the configuration u made is correct then it will work.
2013 Dec 18 5:33 AM
Hi Anurag,
I have configured all the required settings and assigned same Interest key in CA but not getting out put.
2013 Dec 18 6:55 AM
Hi Abash,
FPI2 should give some error message, if its not calculating interest.
Go to SLG1 for find the application log.
To start with, Check in OB83, if the interest rate is maintained with a valid from date for which you are trying to calculate the interest.
Another reason may be is the amount that is getting generated as interest is less than the mimimum amount configured.
Hope it helps..
2013 Dec 18 7:44 AM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for reply,
While i am executing in FPI2 encountered below issue.
Can you explain how interst will be calculate on security deposit?
Prior to FPI2 what i have to do?
2013 Dec 18 11:06 AM
Hi Abash,
The message that you are getting is triggered from FM FKK_INTEREST_ON_CASH_DEPOSIT.
There can be many reasons for interest not getting calculated, the main being some missing configuration in the Interest key rules in SPRO.
I would recommend you to recommend this FM to find the root cause of the issue.
Hope it helps..