2015 Sep 30 8:59 AM
Hi Expert,
I am afraid
Since only one rate can be determine for a rate category and rate type then how multiple rates get determined in dynamic rate determination for the same rate category and rate type, I know that if rates have the different time slices then its possible but what if same time slice for all determined rate.
I will be grateful if someone can explain it with example.
2015 Sep 30 1:30 PM
Your initial statement is incorrect - multiple rates can be allocated to a rate category/rate type.
2015 Sep 30 1:30 PM
Your initial statement is incorrect - multiple rates can be allocated to a rate category/rate type.
2015 Oct 01 9:12 AM
Hi William,
Could you please let me know the SPRO setting for this.
2015 Sep 30 3:12 PM
Hi Veer,
First Don't be afraid
Second We can have multiple rates (register permissible) active in the same time slice for the same rate determination ( same Rate Category and Rate Type).
Say we have a device with 2 registers (Consumption relevant KWH). after you execute the Billing Installation just check the 'Billing View of Installation' in the Installation.
In tabs 'Register' you can see that the 2 registers have different Logical register number and same Logical device number.
Now check tab 'Rate Types' you would see that for the Logical register number and the Rate Type, Rate Category and Schema you would have different Rates allocated.
Just check it out.