2011 Jul 01 7:00 AM
hi experts,
how can i select installation which is currently being worked based on connection object value?
please send info.
2011 Jul 01 7:37 AM
Hi Pradeep,
Following are steps to select installations based on connection object:
1. Go to table EVBS and pass Connection Object value to field HAUS and collect all VSTELLE (premise).
2. Go to table EANL and pass all values of VSTELLE (fetched in step 1) to field VSTELLE. You will get all installation ANLAGE.
If you need to fetch / select any division specific installations, then you need to pass SPARTE in table EANL.
Table EANLH will have time slice specific data for a given installation, use it if you need to fetch installation on specific selection criteria.
2011 Jul 01 7:37 AM
Hi Pradeep,
Following are steps to select installations based on connection object:
1. Go to table EVBS and pass Connection Object value to field HAUS and collect all VSTELLE (premise).
2. Go to table EANL and pass all values of VSTELLE (fetched in step 1) to field VSTELLE. You will get all installation ANLAGE.
If you need to fetch / select any division specific installations, then you need to pass SPARTE in table EANL.
Table EANLH will have time slice specific data for a given installation, use it if you need to fetch installation on specific selection criteria.
2011 Jul 01 8:36 AM
Hi Avinash,
I have done first 2 steps before postings in SDN.Now i have all installations with me. How do i get the one that
is currently being worked on. when i see CIC0 transaction the installation status is active.
Now how do i get from EANLH the current one .I know that we need to give conditions for ab(date from which time slice is valid) and bis (date at which time slice expires) fields.
But i want to get current installation ....
how do i write the condition ....please suggest!
2011 Jul 01 8:41 AM
Hi Avinash,
can i say that we need to sort the table with BIS decending and select the first value .Since this gives the expiry date
which is latest. orlese i can also sort based on AB Descending which gives the correct value.
2011 Jul 01 9:38 AM
can anybody reply for how to select the installation which is active or currently being used out of the installations
that are selected by first 2 steps.
2011 Jul 01 9:56 AM
Hi Pradeep,
When we refer to active and inactive installations, then we are actually refer to if we have customer whom we are providing service.
So, After you fetch installations from EANL, pass all installations to table EVER to field ANLAGE with condition where sy-datum (system date) is between EINZDAT (move-in date) and AUSZDAT (move-out date). If you get active contract from EVER table, then that installation is said to be active.
Hope this helps.
2011 Jul 01 3:41 PM
Hi Avinash,
when you say active contract you mean to say if i get a contract in my selection right....
2011 Jul 01 6:47 PM