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Holding Security deposit payment as liabilities

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

is it possible to account the security deposit payments as liablities (into separate liability G/L) untill it is released. And have it moved to the another reconciliation G/L when the payment is released?




Former Member
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Hi ,

           security deposit are accounted as liability , make changes in ek01 ,to post it to a liability G/l.

          as a standard the liabilty account is not decreased when SD is released but after it is adjusted with debit items of a CA .

Active Contributor
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As per standard SAP, SD payments are treated as down payments and are considered on a cash basis rather than on a accrued basis.

As suggested above, by making changes in EK01, you can post the SD payments directly to a liability GL A/c, but by doing this what are you trying to achieve?

Also, once SD payment is released, it gets settled with the outstanding receivables and there is no point in transferring it to a reconciliation a/c.

Hope it helps



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

In above scenario, my understanding is that when the released SD payment will get settled with oustanding receivables it will post debit to liabilities G/L and credit to the G/L associated with receivables.

So the question is, why do we hold it in the liabilities G/L once we have released the SD payment?

If so, is there a way to get it creditted to the other receivables/payable G/L once it is released?



0 Kudos

Dhiraj, releasing security deposit basically means removing the restriction on the deposit, nothing is going to change on main and sub , so it is still companies liability to pay back to the customer.

As suggested above it can't go to separate GL only when it gets cleared.



0 Kudos

Thanks Vikram, however this makes me think why we don't have similar process for a payment on account. I can hold the security deposit payment as liability but if a customer has overpaid and has a payment on account, it will not be a liability?

Say, in a scenario customer has moved out and has payment on account (maybe through reset clearing of his incorrect bill) would it not be a liability which would be incorrectly tagged to the reconciliation G/L of the receivable account?

I may be wrong in the concept but would like to understand why this difference is there only because SD is something we asked for and payment on account is something which customer paid by himself.

0 Kudos

Hi Dhiraj,

You can have the payment on account to posted to liability GL its up to client requirements.

In our client for all generic AR we maintain one GL and for all payment on accounts we maintain another GL like SD liability GL.

At the end of the day both are balance sheet GL accounts and you call them differently.

There are some clients who post both receivables and payments on accounts to the same GL, that's correct too, depending on your client you can define it in any form.



0 Kudos

Thanks again Vikram. If I understand correctly then, in your process, in the scenario of reset clearing the payment on account will actually will be linked to the AR G/L. Even though it is reset.

Is there any functionality/feature (config or exit) where you can get it posted to original liability G/L?

0 Kudos

You can define your own main and sub transactions, once they are define in posting area 1091 you can assign the new main and sub transaction to clearing reason 11.

In transaction EK01 you can define the GL you want for reset transaction.