2011 Feb 01 10:32 AM
I am Working as a SAP ISU Billing Consultant.
Rate Type is RT_KWH
Rate is RT_DOM
we had two variant programs QUANTI01 and COMPUT02.
QUANTI01 is for calculating amount based on Consumption and price.
The second variant program is COMPUT02 is for adding the first amount with a fixed amount(Fixed charges) to get the final amount.
Now the problem is, when processing the billing only the first amount is calculating. Its not calculating the second amount..
Please help me regarding this. How can i resolve this
2011 Feb 01 4:31 PM
COMPUT02 is one of the simplest variant which add two amounts and return one amount (resultant)
You can use variant control for info line item and check whether it was executed during billing or not. Also, consider, if you checked the Optional billing step (check box).
2011 Feb 01 4:31 PM
COMPUT02 is one of the simplest variant which add two amounts and return one amount (resultant)
You can use variant control for info line item and check whether it was executed during billing or not. Also, consider, if you checked the Optional billing step (check box).