2009 Nov 15 7:09 AM
Hi to all,
Iam Chandra, new entrant into IS U, pl let me know the future of IS U and its prospectors in the future.
Looking forward to here from you all experts.
Thanks and regds
2009 Nov 16 5:42 AM
Hi chandra,
SAP ISU module is Industry specific Utility module which caters into electricity ,Water .Gas etc segment of sevice industry.As u know,electricity nad gas are the new and yet to be emergering industry in India as well as in the World.Due to its nature very less number of consultant vailable in this field who actually knows in an out of this industry.No certification is available and off course no material as such.Threfore ,there is a lot of oppertitunity will come in future if u can be master in this field.So dont worry about the future it will be very enlighten i would say.
Hope this will help u to give a prespective iabout ISU.
2009 Nov 16 5:44 AM
its hot in the market specially in Indian market.
For help - [Link|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_utilities472/helpdata/en/c6/4dce68eafc11d18a030000e829fbbd/frameset.htm]
2009 Nov 16 7:24 AM
Dear Shashi,
Please share your knowledge pertaining to the IS U, as Iam having SD background before i moving to IS U, and share any useful docs for support or implementation projects.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thanks and Regds
2009 Nov 16 7:21 AM
Thanks a lot experts..looking forward to here from u.
Thanks and regds