2013 Aug 09 3:33 PM
Hi experts,
When generation payment file pain008.001.002 with FPY1 in FICA, the number of transaction rported is hedar file is always 1.
In the payment info tag , the number of transaction is right in this case 21. See attached screenshot.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue ?
2013 Aug 13 1:40 AM
Hi Thierno,
Check the logic for the attribute, NbOfTxs (Number of transactions), node ID-N_8432144650, under group header of the Pain.008.001.02 file.
If you could find out, how the number of transactions is getting calculated, then you will be able to find the root cause of it.
Check the mapping procedure of the attribute. It is set as Aggregation by default with aggregation type as 2 which means the number of occurrences. That's why may be you are getting 1 as the number of transactions.
Depending on the mapping procedure, you can change the value in the attribute, NbOfTxs (Number of transactions).
Hope it helps
2013 Aug 14 2:21 PM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks you for yout answer.
I've checked. the only thing that i could suspect is the level of the tag( now is 1) but in the Febelfin doc, it's stated as level 2.
This was installed with a note, I had prefer not to perform manual chnage to the DMEE structure as it comes from the sap note I loaded.
See screenshot.
Find screenshot.
2013 Aug 15 6:11 AM
Hi Thierno,
The level of the tag describes the position of the node in the file hierarchy.
Level 1 represents the top hierarchy level and is usually assigned to the segment which represents the header record of the source file. The next segments in the hierarchy are assigned consecutive levels (2, 3, and so on).
The value of NbOfTxs (Number of transactions) in the pain file is determined from the mapping procedure, which is in case is aggregation with type 2, which means the number of occurrences of the record.
Hope it helps