2018 Jun 04 11:30 AM
In ISU system I am getting dump while replicating contract from CRM - ISU. If I chcked Bdoc in CRM system it got processed successfully and data also flown to ISU system also. But it I go to ST22 in ISU system there will see the dump for the same transaction. I had attached the screenshot for the error dump. Can I have some expert advice please ?
Thanks in Advance.
2018 Jun 04 1:13 PM
Hi Vinod,
Such a dump is often caused by the fact that contracts are not correctly ended, so that two contracts are active to the same time for one installation. This can be determined by checking tables EVER and EVERH and control the time slice of contracts.
If that's the case then it should be checked how is the situation in CRM and try to bring the ERP system to the same state. Often this is only possible by changing also table entries in debugging mode. But this depends on the situation and needs to be checked for each single case.
Best regards,
Katrin Frenzel
SAP Product Support
2018 Jun 13 2:49 PM
Thank you for input Katrin.
But here we are getting m more than 200 dump on daily basis through RFC user.
As we checked in CRM and ISU system contract get ended correctly.
Do we have any trace so that we can check EVER and EVERH table.
Getting dump in class ISU_DB_EVERH_UPDATE.
Suggestion please...
2018 Jun 14 9:39 AM
Hi Vinod,
We have no standard tool for that. It is also not possible to give a general recommendation what to do in that case as it depends on the system situation. If there are so many dumps it should be easy to reproduce it to analyse it more in detail.
Best regards,