2012 Oct 03 12:33 PM
Hi Guys,
I am receiving an issue while updating or creating a Bank Account or Payment Card in a Business Partner.
After entering the valid values I receive this message ----
On clicking the error message I receive following text:
When an IDoc was created, an error was identified in the control record. The value in the field OUTMOD is invalid.
Please check the control record of the IDoc.
When I try to move out of the transaction it throws another error message:
SYST: Error in routine BUD0 BUT000_DTAKE
Please let me know how to resolve the issue.
Manish Verma
2012 Oct 04 5:39 AM
Hi Manish,
The field OUTMODE under the structure EDIDC should contain either of the following values-
(a) 1-Transfer IDoc immediately and start external subsystem
(b) 2-Transfer IDoc immediately
(c) 3-Collect IDocs, transfer and start external subsystem
(d) 4-Collect IDocs and transfer
However, in your scenario, the value of the field is something other than the above four values and that's why the system is throwing an error message.
You can debug the include program LEDI1F01 to find out the root cause of what value is getting assigned.
For the second error, just check the event DTAKE under the transaction BUS7.
Hope it helps...
2012 Oct 04 8:55 AM
Thanks Amlan for the reply.
I debugged the include program LEDI1F01 and found out that the OUTMOD is passing as empty field because of which issue is coming.
I noticed one more thing that for one BP which is throwing the above issue stops at the include program LEDI1F01, but for one BP, SAP neither throws any such issue nor it hits include program LEDI1F01.
Can you please help on which scenario such discrepancy could arise when both the BPs are present on the same server.
For the second error, I went to the T-code BUS7 and checked the event DTAKE. It is present in the list.
Now what shall be done.
Manish Verma
2012 Oct 05 2:22 AM
Hi Manish,
Normally, when you create\update a bank account\payment card in the business partner master, it doesnot create an IDOC automatically.
In your scenario, what I could gather is there is some system enhancement which gets triggered when you are creating\updating the bank master in the BP and creates an IDOC which is transferred to a third party system.
This transferring of the IDOC is controlled by the field OUTMOD under the following values-
(a) 1-Transfer IDoc immediately and start external subsystem
(b) 2-Transfer IDoc immediately
(c) 3-Collect IDocs, transfer and start external subsystem
(d) 4-Collect IDocs and transfer
So, if either of these values are not there in the OUTMOD field, the IDOC is not getting transferred and you are getting the error message.
I would recommend you to check the System Enhancement and its pre-requisites.
This system enhacements is actually calling the function pool SAPLEDI1 which in turn is calling the include program LEDI1F01 and passing the output mode as null.
Also, I guess, the second error that you are getting is related with the above.
If after checking the enhancements, the error is still there, can you please let me know the complete business process around this.
2012 Oct 10 9:01 AM
Thanks Amlan.
There was an issue with the Business partner's data. Rest is fine.