2016 Mar 10 7:34 PM
Hi, I need to fetch the Equipment# from Installation(Anlage) to find out the equipment type(EQTYP). I see that i need to query 4 or 5 tables like EANLH,EASTL,EGERH & EQUI. Can any one suggest me an FM or a BAPI to get this ? Thanks Rick
2016 Mar 10 8:25 PM
2016 Mar 10 8:25 PM
2016 Mar 11 8:13 PM
OOPs, I want the other way round.
I have equipment and I want to find out the Installation or Contracts from EQUNR.
Can some suggest plss...
2016 Mar 18 4:58 AM
Hi Ricky,
Pass the equipment no in EGERH table and get Logical device no (LOGIKNR).
Pass this logical device no in the FM "ISU_GET_OBJECTS" device field.
You will get contract and installation
2016 Apr 20 12:16 PM
Hello Experts,
Using this FM: ISU_DET_DEVICE_FROM_INST I am able to get the active devices. But in case of device removal this FM is NOT show the devices associated to the installation.
Is there any similar FM or what is the other way to get the removed devices?
Pls suggest.
2016 Apr 21 7:12 AM
Hi Ricky,
Not sure about the availability of the FM, but you can achieve this using the tables EASTL and EGERH and EQUI. First select will be on EASTL where you pass the installation no and get the logical device no and ab and bis fields . Pass this data to EGERH to get the removed Equipment no.
then pass this equipment no in EQUI to get the device no.